The little fish's various terms

Fishes of the fish close to the most loved Bengalis, the terms of the fish with rice, it intends to broil and cooked rice. Particularly the little fish plans have won the brains of the Bengalis effectively. 

The little fishes in the substantial fish swarm have lost in some way or another from the Bengali musicality. However, in various ways Bengalis demonstrated another sort of enchantment in little fish cooking. 

In like manner, the grub of a little fish is known as brinjal-mouraala. Take this simple formula to cook this formula 

Eggplant-mouraala acrid 
Fixings: Mourla, Brinjal, Black Cumin, Yellow, Oil, Salt, Raw Chili, Tomato, Ginger Bread, Garlic Bitter, Cornwort, Tartar 

Strategy : Mourala fish washed completely and cooked coconut oil. Try not to skip. Dark fish and dark chillies heat up the fish in this time. Include ginger sauce and garlic bowl. In a little amount, remember to put the eggplant cut into it. Brinjal delicate vegetables can turn out from the open, so cut them with a little clove of cloves. Right now, give it a fiery cake. After that add tomato to it. Yellow and Noon Day. Spread with a smidgen of water. Add Mouro Fish to Makho. Tomato blend before releasing. Serve hot with rice.

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