Rakshu decision: communicate request from the inside

Rabi Reporters Unity has requested 10-point request including direct communicate from the surveying station of the Rajshahi University Central Student Parliament (Raksu). Individuals from the association requested a progression of converses with the Raksu Dialog Committee on the delegate's office on Monday evening. 

Different requests are: To take the general procedure of free, reasonable and unbiased decisions, build up Rajshahi University Reporters Unity's changeless workplaces before the race, giving free access to the data and perception of columnists, including a wide range of gadgets required in the surveying focus, guaranteeing by and large security of the writers, Unexpected occasion To make a move against any sort of badgering, also the personality of the writers from the college organization, to shape a board to screen the race of the race officer, to direct the expert obligation of the writers in the surveying corner, and to not meddle with the individuals from the insight offices. Races are pre-chosen, and amid race time The columnists association or to an authority accountable for races so as to give discretionary data. 

Raksu exchange advisory group president and college delegate Professor Lutfar Rahman said that the discourse with all the understudy associations was authoritatively finished. At that point sit with the organization and the pioneers in the issue.

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