Eleventh class confirmation application has begun. The program began from midnight on Saturday. School Madrasah affirmation process is going on in on the web and SMS. Candidates should initially submit application expenses through cell phone administrator Teletalk, Grameenphone and Mobile Banking Development or Surecash for online application. In the wake of presenting the cash, apply online based on Confirmation SMS.
Step by step instructions to apply on the web:
Apply online at www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd site. Preceding this, the understudy should present a SMS utilizing SSC and comparable examination move number, load up, breathe easy and present an expense of Tk 150 through Teletalk/Rocket/Surecash.
For this situation, from Teletalk SIM to portable message choice, pass the CAD SPEED web space test and compose the initial three letters of the Board's space test move space test and send it to 16222. A PIN code will be given to the candidate's name and the application charges will be deducted at 150 for the arrival SMS. In the event that you consent to the expense, go to the back rub alternative and enter the CAD SPACE YES SPICE PIN SPACE CONTACT NUMBER (the portable number reconnected in the biometric framework) and send it to 16222. In the event that the expense is appropriately saved, an exchange IDmn SMS will be sent to the applicant's versatile affirmation.
Subsequent to presenting the charge of Rs 150 for Teletalk/Rocket/Surecash, the candidate should tap on the site www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd on the endorsed site. From that point forward, the data showed in SSC or proportionate test pass move number, board and pass testament and enlistment number ought to be entered effectively.
After the method is finished, the candidate will get a structure and download it. In like manner, the candidates should finish the application in the base 5 and the most extreme 10 organizations. Applying for the base 5 schools in the online application process, 150 taka will likewise apply to 10 universities yet will charge 150 taka.
Application in SMS:
Application through SMS just can apply to Teletalk prepaid associations in greatest 10 schools. The initial three letters of SSC/equal test pass board, the SSC/comparable test pass move number, SSC/identical test passed, SSC/proportional, the initial two letters of the SSC/proportionate test pass, name for the sake of the admission to the CAD affirmation school/madrasa. Enlistment pass enrollment number, affirmation move name form/portion name (assuming any). At that point the message must be sent to 16222.
It is found out that the candidate's folks' national ID card (NID) number has been necessary from the scholastic year 2019-20. This year, three classes of school under Dhaka Education Board have been made. There are 45 universities in the classification 'An' and 'B' class.
Dhaka Education Board College overseer said. Harun-ur-Rashid told the media that the understudies of the current year's confirmation will have merit. Understudies will almost certainly observe their legitimacy when showing up. You can see how much the shot of getting an opportunity. It keeps away from the intricacy of the application and the emergency.
The application will be made in three strides. The initial step can be documented on May 23. The candidates will be demonstrated the aftereffects of this stage on tenth June. The second stage can be connected on June 19 and 20. The outcomes will be distributed on June 21. The third step will be taken on June 24. The outcomes will be distributed on June 25. Understudies will be admitted to the chose schools from 27th to 30th June. Class will begin on July 1.
In any event five and most extreme 10 applications can be made on the web. It will be taken Tk 150. You can apply to a school on each portable in the cell phone. You need to give Rs. No understudy can apply to in excess of 10 establishments. Until the consequences of the initial step application to expel the decision of school, the difference in the school can be changed in the application list.
In the wake of getting the school, understudies should fill the enlistment. For this, last year 185 taka was taken. This time the 195 will be taken. Postpone expense is proposed to be charged @ 50 rupees rather than 50 rupees, and Tk 150 for Yar lasers rather than 100 rupees. Different expenses are like a year ago. The school madrasa will be declared ahead of time out of the blue. In the event that you take cash without declaration, exacting lawful move will be made.
Confirmation expenses for the Eleventh class will incorporate affirmation charges, session expenses, one thousand taka in civil (upazila) territory, Tk 2 thousand in city (locale central station), all other metropolitan regions with the exception of Dhaka, Tk 3 thousand. Be that as it may, in the Metropolitan region, MPO-subsidiary organizations can not acquire more than Tk 5000 for admission to the understudies. Amid the confirmation expense, session charge and advancement expenses are accessible for the most extreme 9 thousand taka through Bangla and greatest 10 thousand rupees in the English rendition for admission to the halfway MPO or non-MP instructors situated in the Metropolitan zone.
Share: All seats will be filled on legitimacy premise. Be that as it may, in various statements - 5% in the opportunity warriors capital, 3% in divisional and region central command. All the subordinate workplaces of the Ministry of Education will be 2 percent, BKSP 0 and 5 percent will be 0.5 percent. On the off chance that there is no appropriate hopeful in these quantities, at that point no other individual can be conceded in this seat.
Specialized organizations confirmation process:
In the interim, all the Polytechnic Institutes of the nation, Institute of Glass and Ceramics, Graphics Arts Institute, Feni Computer Institute, different Survey Institutes, Vocational Teacher Training Institute, 4-year Diploma in Engineering and Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Course Getting started
Can be connected till 8 June consistently. The outcome was distributed on fifteenth June. Spot holders will probably fill in the primary legitimacy list from following day till 25 June. Hopefuls from the holding up rundown will be conceded from 29th June to 25th July.