Today the jug of phantoms.

Humayun, a devious kid, is the focal point of this fax. Humayun isn't great as an understudy. 32 individuals in the class, his job 32 But the kid who does not talk totally in their group is Munir. He is an awesome understudy. 

Munir asks Humayun himself, will you do apparition? To see one day, an individual like Rabindranath skilled an apparition loaded up with containers and gave Humayun This phantom and Humayun with the narrative of 'Jug Bhoot'. 

In view of the account of Humayun Ahmed, broadcast 'Container Bhoot' coordinated by Meher Afroz Shaon will be communicated on Durant TV (Today) at 3pm. Mamunur Rashid, Zuna Chowdhury, Azad Abul Kalam, Abdullah Rana, Khalilur Rahman Kaderi, Wasak, Shahnaz Sumi, Afroza Begum, Matiur Rahman Moti, Md. Ibrahim, Prineen, revere, Joy, Nil, Zarif, Anindya, Desolation, Anan, Dhruba, Jihad, Sayari, Jayashree and Tahzib.

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