Fakir Alamgir tune on May Day

May day music or uncommon course of action implies the name of society artist Fakir Alamgir. So as to set up the privileges of working individuals, he has been persistently dissenting in tune. 

After a long break in that grouping, his voice was added to the new melody with the working individuals. Cherish You composed this tune titled Limon Ahmed. 

Abhijit Jitu has formed music by Murad Nur. As of now the account of the melody has finished. The video is getting down to business. 

Cherish you sweat wet nocata sonnet/adore you will undoubtedly bargain humankind/cherish You are ravenous kissing/love the evening of hungry. Consistently you live each day in the idyllic words. As to melody, Fakir Alamgir stated, after quite a while, I sang the fundamental tune for a unique day. 

The entire credit of this occasion is Murad Noor. I'm content with his masterful despairing. The mix of Limon and Nur pulled in me to take a shot at the privileges of average workers individuals. Bangladesh won't lose the path in such unadulterated reasoning that Bangladesh May be the working individuals of the general population. May be May Day. 

Music arranger Murad Nur stated, "Love on May Day", you are distributing sound video of the melody, alongside a portion of the web including CD Vision's YouTube channel.

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